Martin Spott said:

> Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 16:57:24 +0200, Melchior wrote in message 
> > > Yes, that's widely known. But nobody would seriously assume that
> > > anywhere the collective lever is pushed down to raise, and pulled up
> > > to sink. 
> > 
> > ..heh, precicely this is done by many R/C heli pilots.  ;-)
> R/C pilots use to have a long standing culture discussing how to to do
> it 'right'  :-)
> To my knowledge there are mostly two parties: Those who know at least a
> little bit how things work on a real helicopter and thos who don't. You
> even can convince some of the second group to try a change by letting
> them sit im a real heli ....

Mostly,  but how about a third party that knows what a collective lever looks
like, realizes that the joystick looks nothing remotely like one and thinks
that binding the keyboard one way and the joystick the other way is not a good
My preference would probably be Alex's original patch.



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