Martin Spott a écrit :

If you want the robustness of Solaris, so why do aim at replacing
significant subsystems that _do_ implement this robustness ?
The question is extlactly to understand, how works the normal X11-Solaris display : about this, i think that it has a little changed between Solaris 8 , 9, and 10.

For this goal, i have today one way : kdmconfig. And i found this :

As my machine fresh standard installed is, kdmconfig is switched by default on X86, not on Xsun : and the reason for this resides probabily in my graphic board, an Ati Radeon 9200 ; in the driver list (kdm) we can only find a ... "X86-radeon" driver (also selected by default), because, i means, not any other was written from Sun or from Radeon for Sun.

A also found a command (an executable) /usr/X11/bin/xorgconfig, if i good remember, which generate a correct xorg.conf for Solaris : the interest is, of course, that with the options it's possible to activate same acceleration features, wich is actually for me the one need for FlightGear works fine.

But... But that all, i will only use if the other possibility itself don't works !
And this other possibility, it's simply ... Xsun.

Preparing my machine, i switched kdm to Xsun (=Sun/X11), with the corrects display settings (1280 x 1024, 24 bits) and ... X86-radeon, because i don't have other by hand. And it works, without error message at the boot.

- the display is a little not so wonderful as with Sun/Xfree (!), but better as under Linux and, which important here is, it seems that it has a better acceleration (comparing with standard Xfree on Sun).

Now i can proceed to experiment this with FlightGear, but i stand because your annunced update to Sol 10. I have also another CAD program (Ayam), which requires acceleration for display NURBScurves.
But one problem after the other !

If FlightGear works fine, OK.
If not :

1) the first thing will be to know, if it's possible to find any acceleration setting in Xsun, or another driver for my Radeon.

2) the second, for a moment ... Xfree, and other hand to forward the learning (and the help !) to Xsun...

3) the third, to buy a 2500 biprocessor with many accelerators and to transport it at home in my Stuttgart-low-cost car...

Best regards,


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