>   Also I everytime i compiled flightgear i see some rectangles on the
>   ground
> and in the air..here are two screens

..next time you wanna show us something, put it on a proper web server,
not some damn spam site.  If you have a spare box and can put it online
for a week or more, quickest way is run http://damnsmalllinux.org off
ramdisk, boot it off a cd image with ' dsl toram ', set up networking
and the web server, dump in those screen shots and post the url here.

yep, sorry if that cause problems... now I uploaded screens to geocities...hope not cause any other problems..

I have some visual problems in FG. I comPiled the latest source in msvc71 and i dont know these problems caused by msvc compiling....

first I wanted to talk about 3d clouds ... They are beatiful and also faster then I expected ...Its like flying in heaven)) but there is a huge gap between cloud fýelds. I played 3d cloud options in gui but these options only affect cloud details. I have wrong settings or some compile error in msvc ??
here are some screens

also when i change weather settings for example to thunderstorms 3d clouds gone missing... and after that nothing reenables 3d clouds ( i change settings of 3dclouds in gui also change weather , reset sim.)

other problem is about strange rectangles in sim... I ve the same problem even in 0.9.8 release compile.. i can see these rectangles almost everywhere in clouds , on the sea and on the ground.
here some screens

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