----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Hofman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FlightGear developers discussions" <flightgear-devel@flightgear.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Lights was: Shadows

> Roman Grigoriev wrote:
> > Sorry Erik
> > I don't want offend anyone here
> > But If I know that shaders will be used sometimes in fgfs I will work on
> > them but there are a lot of work to do and if anyone colud help me we
> > work on it. So I propose this http://fgfs.narod.ru/glsl.tar.gz as
> > for using shaders in fgfs. What do you think about it?
> > We can discuss it. if we will work on this shader framework we can make
> > things better.
> I would like to add support for them, just in the proper way. That's why
> it is still in my TODO box. It's just the time ...
> Here are a few things to consider:
> 1. Move the Shader class over to a new file (probably shader.cxx and
>     shader.hxx) in SimGear/simgear/screen
> 2. Use the SimGear extension header files (you will probably need to
>     extend them (see FlightGear/docs-mini/README.extensions)
> Erik

I think that you are right Erik!
But I propose a technique and you Erik - fgfs maitainer, so you can decide
where to put this classes
I think this shader method have advantages that shaders are in text files
that can be changed by users without compiling all simgear and flightgear
sources. This framework add you functionality to optimize shaders to you
current architecture (NV/ATI or other machines) so we have higher
framerates. because you can specify shaders that can be loaded to NV only or
ATI only and during fgfs startup we can detect archtecture and load proper
shader. for example using NV shaders on NV hardware can get 20% boost to
and detection of hardware is so easy you can only querry about
NV_fragment_program extension - so you have NV hardware overwise -ATI or
other videocard.
But I don't know about SGI - does this architecture support shaders at all?
So I think that if you add new classes to simgear people can start using
them and mekes things better.

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