On Monday 10 Oct 2005 10:04, Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Monday 10 October 2005 00:28 schrieb Lee Elliott:
> > I had problems at first with FGMultiplayRxMgr not being able
> > to bind the receive socket but I was still able to see
> > myself on the web map display at pigeond.net
> That normally means, that another process is already using the
> port. Note that you can use any port you want.
> > Once I seemed to get connected properly, and saw a message
> > about Vivian being 'initialised' on my terminal I then found
> > that I couldn't start the engine on any of the _single_
> > engined YASim a/c I tried.  Multi-engined a/c would start ok
> > but I don't know yet if they caused Vivian any problems.
> That is strange. Can you verify that everything is working if
> you are not connecting to the server?

Yes - the a/c works ok when I'm not connected to the server and 
also worked ok before I got the port forwarding problem sorted 
out i.e. when I could see myself on the map but was getting the 
FGMultiplayRxMgr message.

When I tried again, a little later, with the correct params and 
when no one else was connected I had no problems.

Once I realised that there was some sort of problem I only tried 
a few very quick checks because I didn't want to interfere with 
what Vivian was trying to do.  I tried both the MiG-15bis, which 
I'm currently working on and the Comper Swift - one jet and one 
prop - and couldn't get any power out of either of them.  The 
internal properties looked ok in both but the throttle simply 
had no effect in the Mig-15bis and although I could spin the 
Swift prop on the starter the engine wouldn't fire.  Both 
checked ok 'off-line' or with an intentionally 'bad' 
--multiplay=in param.

I only checked one multi-engined type - the TU-114 - but all of 
the engines were reporting the right o/p.

Because of the risk of interfering with what Vivian was doing I 
didn't try any more tests.

> The message "initializing USER..." means, that you are
> correctly connected to the server and receive data for the
> remote user.
> > I'm still not sure if I was connecting properly because it
> > was displaying me as [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of showing my IP
> > address, which I suspect has something do with IP
> > masquerading.
> The map shows what the server sees. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" means, that
> the user Lee is connected to the server you are querying. On
> pigeons map you can select which server you want to observe.
> If you switch to "o-schroeder.de" while connected to pigeons
> server, you will see "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (the IP of pigeons
> server). That is because my and pigeons server exchange their
> user data, so that both servers see "one world".
> That is possibly changing in the future, but that's the way it
> is atm.
> regards,
> Oliver

I figured that the 'initialising user' message was a good sign;)

I had a reply from Vivian saying that I didn't appear to affect 
his session, which is significant.  On that basis i.e.my 
problems weren't causing other folk problems, I'll try some more 
tests in the next few days.


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