On Oct 10, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

On October 10, 2005 03:37 am, Erik Hofman wrote:

Buchanan, Stuart wrote:

FlightGear can fetch the current weather at your
starting airport, or you can set the wind, cloud
layers etc manually. I don't know if the weather
conditions are global, or change as you fly to
different locations.

It interprets the data from the nearest METAR station. The data is
fetched from noaa.gov.


In my opinion, it would be better if data from multiple nearby METAR stations 
is used instead of fetching data from only one station.  I often fly with 
real-weather-fetch enabled, and the plane gets a huge jolt whenever the 
weather is updated.  The change in the visual aspects is also too sudden.  
Using data from multiple METAR stations could avoid the above problems and 
allow us to have a smooth transistion in weather.


This is not as obvious as it would first seem.  Some weather phenomena have very sharp transitions and some are gradual.  So I don't think that "interpolating weather" is a trivial thing to do.  
For example a cold front is often a very well defined line with rain right along the front.  In that case the weather right nearby is the best indicator and a METAR from 5 miles away could give a completely different story.  Airmass thunderstorms are another example where very local weather is what matters.  To make maters worse the METAR will just have temperature and wind, so you would have to look at a few different locations and times to figure out that a front has passed.  And the local geography (mountains, lake effects, shore lines) can also be a significant issue.
I am not saying that it could not be done, just that it would take some real thought and real understanding of weather phenomena for it to apply in the general case rather than just in a few specific case and make things worse other times.


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