> From: "Curtis L. Olson"
> I reserve the right to make the final determination (and all 
> non-included aircraft will still always be available for separate 
> download from the web site ...)
> Given that new aircraft have arrived on the scene since the last 
> release, do we want to make any changes to the list of default aircraft 
> included in the base package?
> The rule generally is that if we add one, we have to remove an existing 
> one so the total number of included aircraft remains about the same...
> The current list is:
>                 data/Aircraft/737 \
>                 data/Aircraft/A-10 \
>                 data/Aircraft/bo105 \
>                 data/Aircraft/c172 \
>                 data/Aircraft/c172p \
>                 data/Aircraft/c310 \
>                 data/Aircraft/c310u3a \
>                 data/Aircraft/Citation \
>                 data/Aircraft/f16 \
>                 data/Aircraft/j3cub \
>                 data/Aircraft/Hunter \
>                 data/Aircraft/p51d \
>                 data/Aircraft/pa28-161 \
>                 data/Aircraft/ufo \
>                 data/Aircraft/wrightFlyer1903 \

Well I'm going to pick on and promote the ones I've submitted or collaborated 

1). A-10 - Andy might disagree,  but I think the A-10 should go and be replaced 
with something nicer.

2). C310/C310U3A - I do not recall why there is a Cessna 310 and Cessna 310u3a 
(except I added the U-3A 3d model several years ago). It seems that one could 
be removed to make room for others.  The flight models are pretty good on the 
C310s, but it would be nice to see it one either finished up (as a civilian 
C-310) or another light twin completed for release 1.0.

3). J3 - The J3-Cub is complete (not much to cubs anyway) and easy to fly for 
someone just starting out.

4). P-51D - Jon never did do a flight model for it :-), but the original 
premise that got me started on it was Jon Berndt's interest in the tail dragger 
modeling and the idea of having a model that matches the FlightGear logo.  I 
still think it is a pretty good model (if I may say so myself ;-)).

5). 1903 Wright Flyer - Finally I think the Wright Flyer should stay just for 
historical and educational interest, not to mention that it is a fairly 
complete and good simulation.  It isn't good for a cross country but neither 
was the original.

6). UFO - The only one that isn't mine that I'd pick on is the UFO.  I'd rather 
see that one ditched before anything listed above.  It certainly is the least 
sophisticated simulation ;-)  (Ah, but you say, who knows how a real flying 
saucer works?!)  Anyone needing it for model or scenery development could 
download it easily enough.



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