I thought it was about time that I started to dig through and play with the code of flightgear with the aim of being able to contribute with one part or another when I get to grips with it. I am currently dual booting Windows and Linux, but since my main work environment is Windows I would much prefer to be able to develop in this environment and avoid having to reboot. I didn't have too much like with trying to build using Cygwin last time, so I wonder if anyone has a quick and dirty howto for compiling flightgear and its dependencies in MSVS 2005? I looked at the wiki, but I think there are some main problems that I don't really understand yet. For instance, where are the output files of the different dependencies put and how do the projects that depend on them find them? The, and probably many other small problems, currently prevents me from being able to build in a Windows environment.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

As per a previous e-mail, perhaps I could look into multiplayer ATC communications eventually...?

Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen

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