
Paul Surgeon schrieb:
Well I think the best bang for the buck would be via some sort of terrain LOD mechanism. Using primitives to draw every single feature just isn't going to scale well.

Terrain LOD and primitives for every feature is not necessarily a contradiction. At least there's progressive meshes, which can be used for TINs.

A texture based approach like MSFS where the ground textures are generated on the fly from vector data would be even better. Very low poly count but high complexity.

I have to agree with the original poster - FS2004 looks much better

FS2004 looks better in many areas. However, I found the blurriness of ground features on FS200x quite unrealistic and very dissatisfactory.

Unfortunately, as I said in my analysis, our line data (rivers, streets, railroad) account for 60% of the triangles, or put differently: The number of triangles in a tile is multiplied by 2.5 when line data is added. Integrating the line data into the terrain not only generates the triangles used for the line data itself, but also adds lots of triangles on the adjoining areas.

However, MSFS does quite a good job of river banks and lake shores. They must be using some combination of a regular height field and polygonal features for coastlines and lakes.

Of course, regular or semi-regular triangulations for the height fields clearly provide for easier adaption during runtime without much precalculation (e.g., ROAM). Perhaps it would be possible to find some way to use semi-regular triangulations and combine them with vector features in high-detail regions, i.e. regions near to the viewer, possibly using polygon offset. But as I said, I certainly don't have an overview on that topic.


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