How about we just use our own system based on data from the FG prop tree.
We already have the google map servers , so all we would need to do is get 
other people to host their own too and become controllers for different 
For voip / text we could use a secondary app which would run on Win , Linux & 
Mac or develop our own.

It would save heaps of legal issues .

Ok it would maybe need some fine tuning but we're all good at that here :)

Justin Smithies 

On Monday 12 June 2006 19:06, Martin Spott wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> bsupnik wrote:
> > - VATSIM could require a FG-client to use their libs (under some terms)
> > as conditions for network approval.  I thikn that VASTIM users are
> > required as part of their membership agreement with the network to only
> > use "approved" clients.
> Honestly, I'm really curious to know what the _real_ driving force is
> behind this protectionism.
> Is this stupid arrogance ("if they want to participate, they'll have to
> follow our rules - not matter if it makes sense"), simply incompetence
> ("one of these bad guys out there might compromise our servers if the
> protocol gets published") or do they really have to fear something if
> some third party implements their protocol ?
> Anyway, if they don't want FlightGear users to participate ....  does
> anyone have an idea if the "FlightProject" network still is supported
> by an active community ?
> Cheers,
>       Martin.

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