> thing a 2 year old boy is going to do the first time he sees some longish
> rigid toy to play with ... of course he's going to pick it up and point it
> an someone and say bang, bang, bang.
Give 'em a P90.  They're kid sized. :)  (See Gunslinger Girls)

> So I think we can debate nature vs. nurture all day long, but at some level,
> wanting to make things explode and enjoying it when they do ... is in our,
> uhhh ... genes (sorrry about that Gene) :-) no matter how hard we try to

No problem.  I fully intend to dress up on Halloween this year as a
neandertal.  When asked if I'm a caveman, I'm going to reply, "Nope, I'm
a Recessive Gene". :)

> deny that.  Of course, having some level of genetic tendency towards
> something doesn't necessarily make it right to act on that tendency ... take
> alcoholism as an example ...
Right. Online combat and Chess have two things in common.  First, they're
both forms of one on one combat and secondly, nobody ever dies from
either.  Actually, online combat would be safer than Chess I think.  You'd
never have to worry about playing some nutjob that just might try to bash
your skull in with the turn clock if you beat him. :)

> Personally, I really enjoy a TV show called Myth Busters, and they make
> their living off of "busting" or confirming many weapons and explosion
> related myths ... so that show is all about really cool explosions, guns,
> swords, breaking security, torturing plants and animals, hmmm maybe I better
> rethink my favorite TV shows here ... :-)

Hey, the coolest thing ever was when they blew up the cement truck.  That
rocked. :)


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