On 7/2/07, Durk Talsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree that it can be very frustrating to have a flightgear session cancelled
> due to an exit, and in a released version, this should be avoided. However,
> the flip side is that if we continue to "gracefully recover", its going to be
> a lot tougher to weed out the /root/ cause of any bug. For instance, there is
> a good chance that the underlying error in the KSAN groundnetwork would not
> yet have been fixed already if FlightGear hadn't exited on detecting the
> error. In my opinion, letting errors accumulate is not compatible with
> the "doing things right" mentality of FlightGear.

Warning: the following is completely tangential. Although it is
frequently argued that software should be made 100% correct and
anything short of that should go down in an error-spouting blaze of
glory, that is not a universal opinion. In particular, the people at
Ericsson have found over the past two decades that a nearly opposite
approach works better in their very large telephony applications,
which need many-nines availability and robustness. I encourage anyone
with even a passing interest in how to make software easier to develop
*and* more robust and reliable, to look into the erlang error handling
model. It's not directly applicable to C++, but I think the throw an
exception which is caught, logged, and recovered from (as discussed in
this thread) is a good approximation.

In a few words, the erlang model is code for the normal case and crash
if something goes amiss, but each process in erlang is supervised and
restarted when it crashes (after being logged, etc.) - so at its heart
it's a form of graceful recovery.

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