Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> "const string&" would only make sense if a string was returned which is
> typically stored in the object and should _not_ be copied, e.g. in a
> getter-method.

Or rather: I was wondering why a getter method would have to return a
reference to a local variable, until I looked at the source code
properly and found out that this thing is actually delegating the call
to FGAirport, in which getId() returns a simple string. So maybe it
would also be a good idea to have that return "const string&" as well.
Might save a few copying operations (even though FGAirport::getId is
probably inlined anyway in most cases, just not here due to the delegation).

I consider this "const T&" thing good practice if all you want is read
only access to a member variable via a getter method and the type of the
member might otherwise require copies to be created.


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