Hi there!

Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
> AnMaster wrote:
>> Hash: SHA512
>> I'm wondering if it is possible to request landsat based scenery of some
>> specific area (like that was done for LinuxTag and EAA Oshkosh), if yes I
>> would like to request such scenery for the area around KSFO. That area looks
>> really bad (with a hill in the middle of the terminal for example.
> Landsat imagery is used to determine the landclass if I understand well, 
> this won't change the elevation of the terrain. This elevation is 
> allways wrong where you have buildings, the radar that mesures the 
> height can hit the terrain or the roof of a building. I don't know if 
> there are tools to edit this kind of data.

The SRTM-data can be imported into GRASS and edited. Export to the HGT
format is not available, but I have a tool (which is part of the
fgfs-builder) which can process height data in all raster formats
supported by GDAL.

Alternatively one can convert the current SRTM data to contour lines,
which can then be edited using QGIS or similar, and interpolated to a
raster height field again.

One would need _free_ reference data for appropriately adjusting the
elevations, however. Most of all, you need to make sure that the
reference data is not just based on SRTM itself (which is true for many
modern maps, which again often are not free).

Regarding Landsat-based scenery we think that we cannot yet automate the
scenery-on-request concept fully, but we could e.g. start with accepting
external training data.

In the (still incomplete :-/) Landsat scenery-building tutorial[1] I
have described how to create training vector maps. Maybe somebody who
has a bit of experience with either QGIS or GRASS might want to help us
to try and find a workable procedure for generating landsat-based
scenery data from externally provided training data.

IIRC the default KSFO tiles contain customised scenery in the Alcatraz
area. Maybe somebody could tell what exactly was edited there, so we
could find out how to integrate that into a possible new landsat-based


[1] http://www.custom-scenery.org/Building-Scener.331.0.html

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