Hash: SHA512

Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Hi there!
> Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
>> AnMaster wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA512
>>> I'm wondering if it is possible to request landsat based scenery of some
>>> specific area (like that was done for LinuxTag and EAA Oshkosh), if yes I
>>> would like to request such scenery for the area around KSFO. That area looks
>>> really bad (with a hill in the middle of the terminal for example.
>> Landsat imagery is used to determine the landclass if I understand well, 
>> this won't change the elevation of the terrain. This elevation is 
>> allways wrong where you have buildings, the radar that mesures the 
>> height can hit the terrain or the roof of a building. I don't know if 
>> there are tools to edit this kind of data.
> The SRTM-data can be imported into GRASS and edited. Export to the HGT
> format is not available, but I have a tool (which is part of the
> fgfs-builder) which can process height data in all raster formats
> supported by GDAL.
> Alternatively one can convert the current SRTM data to contour lines,
> which can then be edited using QGIS or similar, and interpolated to a
> raster height field again.
> One would need _free_ reference data for appropriately adjusting the
> elevations, however. Most of all, you need to make sure that the
> reference data is not just based on SRTM itself (which is true for many
> modern maps, which again often are not free).
> Regarding Landsat-based scenery we think that we cannot yet automate the
> scenery-on-request concept fully, but we could e.g. start with accepting
> external training data.
> In the (still incomplete :-/) Landsat scenery-building tutorial[1] I
> have described how to create training vector maps. Maybe somebody who
> has a bit of experience with either QGIS or GRASS might want to help us
> to try and find a workable procedure for generating landsat-based
> scenery data from externally provided training data.
> IIRC the default KSFO tiles contain customised scenery in the Alcatraz
> area. Maybe somebody could tell what exactly was edited there, so we
> could find out how to integrate that into a possible new landsat-based
> scenery.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
> [1] http://www.custom-scenery.org/Building-Scener.331.0.html
I see, so around KSFO would be a problem, but my other request (around ESOE
and including the cities around 59*16 53.9N 15*13 15.8E and 59*07 50.9N 15*09
07.2E) should be less problematic I hope.


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