> > May be i don't understand your remark, and i could be wrong,
> >
> > but all aircraft propeller have not the same rotation direction ,
> > some are CCW    on the same aircraft
> > some are CW  on others  aircraft.
Correct - and some aircraft have both of it: one CW and one CCW.
> >
> > Sure there is no problem with P-38L one propeller is given
> >  <sense> -1 </sense>
> > The other is given
> >  <sense> 1 </sense>
> >
> > so, Sense could be -1 or 1 which is significant for the propeller effect.
> >
> > it is very important to keep in that calculation the Sense.
Yes - also true.
> In addition to, if these effect seems to be more than you espect it is
> possible to reduce the value with  <p_factor> </p_factor>  with zero there
> is no effect.
Since the engines of the P-38L and the Seneca are turning in opposite 
directions, the p-factor of both propellers are compensating each other. 
Thats why aircraft with counterrotating props are made: they are easier to 

Try yourself: Get the P-38L in the air and fly full throttle straight and 
level, open the property-browser for controls/flight. I need a right aileron 
deflection to keep the wings level. If I reduce power to idle, the aircraft 
turns sharply to the right with that aileron setting. 
This should not happen on aircraft with counterrotating props.


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