On Tue 7 August 2007 22:37, Berndt, Jon S wrote:
> > Yes there is some differences needed to keep the right
> > heading , when we modify the throttle value, but it is not
> > exactly what you are describing.
> I haven't been able to look too closely at this, yet, but I have a
> suspicion. If you look in the function FGPropeller::GetPowerRequired()
> there is this line at the end of that function:
>     vTorque(eX) = -Sense*PowerRequired / (RPS*2.0*M_PI);
> This calculates the torque caused by the propeller as it beats against
> the atmosphere, and it does account for the sense that the propeller
> turns in.
> Now, look in the function above it, Calculate(), and you will see this,
> where the moment is calculated for the propeller:
>   vMn = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetPQR()*vH + vTorque*Sense;
> Do you see what is happening? The torque is getting multiplied by the
> sense, again. I suspect that the equation should simply be:
>   vMn = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetPQR()*vH + vTorque;
> Can you try this out?
> Jon

Hello Jon

I just tried  FG rebuilt with  that update, with P-38L  when pushing the 
throttle and pulling.... and pushing ........ the aircraft  reaction is 
better the aircraft heading is now close to be stable.

When testing  it with F4U-7 (french corsair) i continue to get the "welcome" 
right torque effect more or less according to the throttle position.

I cannot answer instead of Torsten,  may be you you have pointed to the right 
place. That update gives a positive result.



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