On Saturday 01 September 2007 09:18:18 Durk Talsma wrote:

> Right at the beginning, I found one significant problem: FlightGear /
> SimGear require plib-1.8.4, but this version no longer builds on my box
> (using gcc 4.1.2). I'm getting the following compiler error:
> This problem is fixed in CVS/SVN, so it would be natural to require
> plib-1.8.5 for the next version. That version isn't released yet, however.

Actually, I don't think there's really a problem there.  Most people (on 
Linux, anyway) are just going to install the plib package that their distro 
provides, which is almost certain to be 1.8.4 owing to the age of that 

Even on source-based distros there's no problem; The Gentoo ebuild for plib 
pulls in a patch for the GCC 4.1 build issue.

If FG depended on a feature not included in plib 1.8.4 (bugfixes are always 
nice of course) there would of course be a problem, but that should be fairly 
easy to avoid for this release at least.

Anyway, it's great to hear that we might get some progress on another release 
(and some hope of more frequent releases); I hope the Windows and Mac people 
will be able to assist.



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