Hi Nick,

I haven't read the whole thread until now. But let me tell you that I am
working on that since a year and I want release the software soon. Until
than take  alook at http://squonk.abacab.org/dokuwiki/fgcom. Currently
the software runs (for me) and I am writing the documentation and FAQ.

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 10:23:35PM +0300, Nick Othieno wrote:
> Hi people,
> I intend to add a module to flight gear that enables people on a
> multi-player game to talk to each other (live) when tuned to the same
> frequency on their comms.
> The idea is to use voip to do the connection and maybe have one of the
> computer's running a voip server of sorts that can handle a conference call.
> Has anyone tried anything similar?

Yep - and it works :-)

> I would appreciate all the help I can get especially with the flightgear
> code. I'm exellent with C, good with C++ and elementary with xml. I have
> nearly no simulation knowledge but have working knowledge of dsp (digital
> signal processing).

I am searching for coders for development. If you like the decisions I
made (with much help from this list) it would be great if you want to
join the development.

Read the pages for fgcom and ask many questions. And please - don't look
at the sources - my C knowledge is not the best :-)

The current problems in development:
- The ATI driver (fglrx) of my Thinkpad R60 won't work for FG... Yes
  that's a real problem because I cannot try what I coded at home...
- The sound layer of Linux (mostly ALSA) is quite difficult to use.
  There are so many different options on the different systems... 
- Time for developing is rare... but I am doing my best :-)

Regards, Holger

#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Stresemannstr. 78    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  ## ##   ## ###   10963 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
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