On 9/3/07, Holger Wirtz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 03, 2007 at 09:07:09AM -0600, Hans Fugal wrote:
> > libiaxclient may even work in Windows with PortAudio, though it might
> > take some effort.
> Everyone on the list told me to produce something portable and it took
> some time to find somethin which is portable. I think for the current
> stae and development of the program I had done the right decissions. It
> may not work out of the box on Windows or OSX but the base for porting
> to non-linux is given.

Sounds like you've done your homework.

> > I think the easiest approach, after some thought, would be to drive an
> > Asterisk instance with the Asterisk manager API. This isn't very
> > cross-platform, though. You *could* run Asterisk in Windows on a
> > virtual machine, or various other workarounds, but nothing
> > user-friendly comes to mind.
> I think that noone needs to run an Asterisk server if he is using a
> client. For the first time I can run the server and if it will be used
> to much we have to think about setting up one at another location. The
> server is something specialized and not for the normal user.

Right, in your setup we just need one asterisk server. I was just
brainstorming; one could use asterisk as the client via the manager
API, but that would mean each user needs asterisk and perhaps some
softphone. I think that might have been easier than coding up a client
with libiaxclient, but much more hassle for the users.

Hans Fugal
Fugal Computing

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