On lun 12 novembre 2007, Maik Justus wrote:
> Hi gérard,
> Great helicopter. Nice addon to flightgear.
> By the way: Watching the HUP I got aware, that there is a problem with
> the animation of the flapping angle of the blades. The problem is the
> missing documentation of the output of the the rotor simulation in the
> property tree. If position-deg is 0, then the blade is pointing
> backwards (and to be honest, I thought it means it points forward :-(   )
> The animation assumes, that position-deg == 0 means the blade is
> pointing forward. Therefore the tilting of the rotor seem to be
> inversed. The rotation needs a 180deg offset. (by adding another 180deg
> offset to the yasim-xml file (phi0 = "0") the starting position of the
> rotor would remain the same).
> The same is necessary at the H-21.
> I think I need to improve the documentation in that point...
> Maik

Hello Maik,

Does that position-deg == 0   inverted,  specific to HUP and H-21 or a generic 
problem to any helicopter which blade Zero is drawn pointing forward ?
The S-51 could have the same error, and looking at the nice new CH47 it   
seems to want the 180 offset.
I did not checked the others choppers.


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