On Thursday 06 December 2007 20:05:47 Curtis Olson wrote:
> Honestly, this is a weak point.  An application has a lot of power and can
> do a lot of things over the network, to the local file system, to your
> personal files, etc.
Which is why I suggest being cautious about monitoring the capabilities that 
FG has to ensure that it isn't too easily used in a malicious manner.  I wish 
people would stop pasting single sentences out of IRC conversations into 
mailing lists - they're always taken out of context and end up saying 
something slightly different to what they did originally :-\

The "BSTS" comment was simply a passing, and not particularly good play on MS' 
BITS in response to someone else's comment about such a feature being 
MS-like.  It wasn't a great rallying cry in the war against file transfer :-)

> Many people are doing essentially a low-tech version of this same
> remote/ondemand download idea for scenery using "terrasync".  I've never
> heard of anyone refer to terrasync as doing something sneaky behind your
> back.
That's because it isn't.  I don't use it myself - I choose the scenery 
sections I want and download them manually.  But terrasync is completely 
optional and not built into fgfs - just like fgrun, which is where I was 
suggesting this kind of capability would be best situated.

> How do you guys get through life without running a web browser which <oh
> my> downloads things that aren't already in your cache!
By being reasonably careful about which websites I visit, which web browser I 
use and by disabling javascript,flash et al by default (the "noscript" 
extension to firefox makes this practical to assign on a site-by-site basis.)

Nobody is suggesting that downloading stuff is too dangerous to be 
considered - indeed I was the first to voice my support for John's idea!  My 
opinion is just that users should have the best possible idea of exactly 
what, when and how much they are downloading.



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