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Stefan Seifert wrote:
> Curtis Olson wrote:
>> Don't bother listening to Melchior, he's busy coming up with absurdly long
>> strings of obscure unix commands that are just a huge waste of time to
>> type.  You can do the same check with this much simpler command and save 26
>> key strokes (if you start in the aircraft directory):
>> find . -name \*.xml -exec grep -l vsi-3d {} \;
> Well, just for completeness and because Melchior doesn't like -exec:
> find . -name \*.xml | xargs grep vsi-3d
> does the job just as well and is even simpler to type ;)
> grep -R would be even shorter, but does search all files including
> textures and models.
At least with (recent?) GNU find you could also use:

find . -name \*.xml -exec grep -l vsi-3d '{}' +

The difference against the version using ; is that the ";-version" will invoke 
grep once for each
found file, while the "+-version" will invoke like with as many arguments in 
one go that is
possible. For more details see find(1), section "ACTIONS" on systems with GNU 

Another reason why to not use the xargs version is that filenames can contain 
spaces and/or
newlines. If you want to use xargs then at least do:
find . -name \*.xml -print0 | xargs -0 grep vsi-3d
This will cause the delimiter to be a null char that is not valid in filenames.
This works on systems with GNU userland, but not on, for example, FreeBSD.

While newlines in filenames is not likely a problem for flightgear, it is in 
some situations.
Consider this script to clean old files from /tmp:
find /tmp -atime 5 | xargs rm -f

Now consider a file named (\n to show where the newline is): 
"foo\n/etc/passwd". Yes that is a valid
filename. With the above find command, that would remove /etc/passwd. However 
on systems with GNU
userland it is possible to do:
find /tmp -atime 5 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
That command would not remove /etc/passwd.

However, an ever better solution, at least with GNU find, may be:
find /tmp -atime 5 -delete


Arvid Norlander
Version: GnuPG v2.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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