> Tiago's particle system is working quite well - it's not in CVS yet, but
> should be there soon. There are a few pics here:
> http://gallery.flightgear.org.uk/c1450045.html
> I can send you a copy of the particle system I was testing on the grob
> if you'd like, although Tiago is currently working on connected
> particles which should look much better for things like aircraft smoke.
> I'm glad someone's made use of my redbull gate models - I've been trying
> to get details of the san francisco course for a while (it'd be great to
> have one set up in our default scenery area) but the best reference I
> could find was some video of the event on youtube - and reverse
> engineering the gate positions from that isn't exactly easy :-)
> Jon
That looks like the right thing! I think I can wait a while until it appears 
in CVS, there is some basic work left on the aircraft before the eye candy 
find their way into it.

I found most of the racetrack layouts on the official web site. They have a 
few kml files for google earth and schematic diagrams for most of the tracks. 
Together with some pictures from the gallery on the site it was quite easy to 
place the gates. Probably not on the perfectly correct spot - but good 

Unfortunately our scenery in the San Francisco marina area is not very 
accurate and the cost line looks like it has been made by a zigzag cutter. So 
the racetrack doesnt look half as cool as it could. Sigh.


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