On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 2:56 AM, Anders Gidenstam
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2008, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
>  > What is needed to set up a MP-server?
>  > If we know what we need we could search for it.
>  Hi,
>  Something along these lines: A linux box with a good network connection.
>  And the server software FGMS http://fgms.sourceforge.net/
>  FGMS can probably be built and run on most Unix like systems (but it might
>  be more or less painful.. :)
>  mpserver06, which I run, is a very old Sun workstation running Solaris. It
>  is more than powerful enough for the network connection it has, but to
>  collect the build dependencies is a pain. (I have not managed to build a
>  newer FGMS than last summer's, but at this time that is still fine.)
>  There is currently no access control what so ever in FGMS but access
>  control can be implemented separately, e.g. using packet filtering and
>  some kind of web based session login that can update the filter rules.
>  I suspect someone reasonably at home with web services can cobble together
>  something simple but working for a Linux based host in a fairly short
>  time.
Hi Anders and All,

Yes, that could be done very simply at the IP data level with iptables.

1. Log into the web server which would adjust the iptables rules to
allow the authenticated user to log in.
     - This could be either direct or using XML-RPL or SOAP to ask a
remote server to do the work.
2. Server adds an iptable LOG rule to detect that the user is still
connected (I'll come back to this in a bit). An ALLOW rule will also
need to be added to actually allow the connections.
3. User connects to the RA server as per normally done today. Protocol
does not need to change.
4. If the player hasn't been seen for a period of time (5 minutes??),
then drop the LOG and ALLOW rule from iptables. Perhaps the web server
needs to be told that the user has logged out.

I think that would work. Unfortunately I don't have access to another
computer to develop this. But should be easy enough. Personally I'd
create a customer chanin to put these rules in as it will allow easy
separation of your firewall rules (if required) from the temporary
rules created by this system.

Have fun for whoever does this.


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