One thing to add...

Ralf Gerlich wrote:
> Currently there is no shapefile version of GSHHS 1.5, which was
> available for 1.3, so we need to get some tool to import the custom
> binary format of GSHHS into the database, including the handling of
> shorelines crossing the dateline, etc (e.g. Eurasia continent definition).
> Yes, this is on my TODO-list, and no, it's not on top.

...volunteers welcome ;-)

The goal is to have something like a generic gshhs2ogr-converter that
can convert gshhs to any format supported by the OGR library and outputs
the data properly clipped to -180<=lon<=180, -90<=lat<=90. A tool
independent of TerraGear but possibly using gpc would be favoured.

One of the OGR-supported formats is PostgreSQL, which is the database
software we are using on


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