On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Martin Spott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> From my point of view this is not the correct conclusion. Instead, I
> simply assume that it doesn't make any difference wether I complain or
> not. So I remain looking at the regular error messages from the mirror
> jobs and waiting until the machine is back in service  :-)

I appreciate your perspective. :-)

> Curt, apparently you insist on getting things wrong.
> Yes, I do prefer using GIT and I agree with _everything_ that Melchior
> has been adding to this discussion (including him taking back the
> paragraph about disk usage). But this is _not_ the point !!
> In fact we didn't have a _single_ !! person stating that MSysGit "does
> not work". There was a sole person claiming that he didn't get it to
> work, but was uncertain wether he knew how to use it properly. Period.
> The remaining statements concerning GIT on Windows have been nothing
> but guesses and assumptions (better known as "FUD") and I expect an
> experienced project coordinator being able to tell the difference.

When I researched the topic, I saw over and over again that the biggest
knock against git is that it does not have good support for windows.  That
has been repeated on this list by more than just me.  I have not tested it
personally on windows, but it appears that neither have you.  Just because I
saw something on the web, doesn't mean it's true, but there does seem to be
a general web consensus here, and you have given no information that can be
used to disprove this web consensus.

> _This_ is the point which sheds an ugly light onto the whole topic.
> Adding to that, you have still failed to deliver a reason (aside from
> spreading "FUD") why the project should _not_ have _one_ official GIT
> mirror of the existing CVS (or maybe SVN) repositories - no matter
> who's going to run it in the end. In the end, you're wasting developer
> resources by thwarting the efficiency of not all but at least some of
> the involved people and you don't have a single point.
> This is really getting somewhat problematic.

Until someone from our project actually tries this on a windows system
(possibly you could even test it?) then we are all apparently spreading FUD
including you.  If you have not tested git on windows and have not found a
nice front end, then you cannot say for sure that it works and works well
(which is important in the face of all the web based reports that it doesn't
work or doesn't work well or easily.)  If our windows developers have also
not tested it, then they cannot say for sure that it does or does not work.
In the mean time, we know that SVN does work pretty good.  I'm sorry you are
so frustrated by this issue, but I would appreciate if you keep your
comments fair and professional. :-(

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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