On 12/20/2008 02:44 AM, Ron Jensen wrote:
> John,
> You've just convinced me you don't have a clue what is happening inside
> this code. 

You keep saying that.  Even if it were true (which I
doubt), it wouldn't be important.

I call attention again to the scenario I posted:

>> The Sim World c182rg is sitting on
>> the runway at KSFO. The propeller control is pulled back, so that the
>> engine is operating at relatively low revs, about 1750 RPM in
>> contrast to redline which is 2400 RPM. The pilot can observe that if
>> the throttle is open anywhere between 52% and 100% open, moving the
>> throttle has no effect on the MAP. Similarly, it has no effect on the
>> shaft power of the engine, as you can confirm by looking at the
>> property tree. This insensitivity to throttle setting is dramatically
>> unlike what is seen in a Real World Cessna 182RG.

If you would kindly take a couple of minutes, you could
verify that what I say about the SW c172rg is true.  If
you had the slightest experience in real aircraft, or if
you thought about the physics for a moment, you would 
know that what I say about the RW C172RG is true.

Think about it:  If the first half of the throttle motion
has *no* effect on the MAP, what reason is there to think
that the second half of the motion will have any effect?
It's just a mechanical valve.  It's not psychic.

You keep saying that the code is working as designed.  So
what?  That just means that the design is unrealistic.

The performance of the model is unrealistic.  I said that
before looking at the code.

>   It is definitely not because code section you seem to
> love going on about. 

It was unrealistic before I looked at the code, and it is
still unrealistic.

Do you really expect anybody to believe that things are OK
when pulling the throttle halfway back has absolutely no
effect on the MAP?

Explaining (again) how the code makes this happen this will 
not help.  The fact remains that it should not happen.  The 
RW aircraft does not do this, and the SW aircraft should not 
do it either.

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