On 28 Dec 2008, at 15:48, Curtis Olson wrote:

> In my opinion, the 2d instruments are still very useful for people  
> that are setting up full screen panels as part of a larger simulator  
> where the out-the-window view is drawn on separate monitors and the  
> there may be one or more displays embedded in the instrument panel  
> used to draw instruments only.  The 3d panels are nice if you want a  
> virtual environment all in one single display, or if you are in a  
> cave type environment.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear - many of the current 3D *cockpits* are  
built by placing chunks of *2D* panels (hmm, really a very bad piece  
of terminology) onto a 3D scene. My question is about whether, going  
forwards, the existing format is the preferred way to be building such  
pieces (which might be used in a 2D cockpit or a 3D one).

For example, the KR97 in Aircraft/Instruments-3D is built using an  
<animation> property list, which is the system defined in simgear/ 

Meanwhile, the 777-200 ND is defined (looking at, say, Aircraft/ 
777-200/Models/Instruments/MFD/MAP.xml) using the '2d' format defined  
by Cockpit/panel.cxx (and panel_io.cxx).

What I'm asking is, is it worth extending and modernising the code in  
Cockpit/panel.cxx (aka the 'layers' system) or should I focus on  
adding some new animation types and helpers to the 'animation' system  
in simgear?


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