James Turner asked

> From: [mailto:zakal...@mac.com]
> I'm planning to create some slightly advanced cockpit instruments in
> the near future, and to do this I need to support some more complex
> text displays. (This is for the character-based displays on the
> KLN89/94/etc GPSs, and FMS/MCDU units in the longer term).
> I was intending to create some specialised (scriptable) layers in the
> current 2D panel format, which would be more advanced variants on the
> current <text> and <chunk> system that already exists. However, to do
> this, I need to fully convert the existing 2D panel code to OSG - this
> would have various benefits, but it's a non trivial amount of work.
> However, there seems to be some confusion about the preferred way to
> builds new panels, going forward. Clearly many panels contain 3D
> elements (knobs, levers and the like) which are not expressed using
> the 2D panel XML format. Equally, as far as I can see, all the
> analogue and digital panel displays are still being created using the
> 2D system, i.e <transform>, <select>, cropped-texture layers and so on.
> Is this correct, or I have mis-understood something here? I don't want
> to spend time converting the old code to OSG if it's a dead-end that
> is only used by older panels. If it's been superseded, where is the
> system that replaces it?

I generally make 3d panels, but I find textranslate etc useful, indeed vital
within these 3d instruments for example in HIS.

I'm also using them for rain effects on canopies, so as far as I'm concerned
the 2d panel stuff is still very much in use.


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