Hi all, there was a fly-in today in New Zealand, and even though a lot of us
flew the same plane from the same author, we could only see each other as
Why ? Because in the past couple months, some aircraft used today have
undergone model file name changes as well as set file name changes, breaking
compatibility for MP visualization purposes with previous versions (and
preventing older versions of seeing the new ones also).
MP being an heterogeneous environment as far as FGFS versions are concerned,
I thought I'd point it out, and that some thought should go into renaming
set and model files to avoid this kind of situation.

The specific "culprits" today are Syd Adams (dhc2, for sure and dhc6 also, I
think) and Gerard Robin (PBY-Catalina). There might have been more cases
today, and I think we have a few more a/c in cvs who exhibit those symptoms

This can be done by having the old set files and model files point to new
ones in updated versions, so compat is maintained with older versions, for
people flying the new one.
Someone who knows the system more intimately can confirm whether it's just
the set file, the model file or both that needs to be setup for this to
Albeit, for people with older version, it seems they'll have to add the same
kind of aliases for the new set and model files to see updated versions...
I think this is a strong case for NOT needlessly changing set and model file
names just to clean up things...

Or, if the aircraft now exists in cvs and externally maintained versions,
the considerate thing would be to rename the externally maintained version's
folder so interested parties can have their cake and eat it : have both
versions installed in the case of the Catalina (and other a/c maintained by
Gerard which are both in cvs and his hangar).
Not sure why this wasn't done for all of Gerard's a/c from the get go, as I
seem to recall he changed folder names in at least one instance when he
stopped maintaining the CVS versions.

Or any other solution agreed upon by the community as how to deal with that
particular MP issue.

I'm sure it was all unintentional and a simple lack of foresight on the
consequences such changes might have, but there we have it.
Thanks for reading,

Be Kind.
Remember, everyone is fighting a hard battle.
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