Eli Jordan ha scritto:
> Hi
> I am new to flight gear, but am using it in a multiple flight vehicle 
> simulation system for my thesis, this system will be used to research aerial 
> search patterns. To do this I need to be able to control flight gear from the 
> search algorithm, running on a separate machine.
what aspect of flightgear you want to control/drive ?

>  I was wondering what would be the best approach to achieve this? I have had 
> a look on the web site/wiki and found out about the telnet interface to the 
> property tree (also, is there info on the syntax of each variable in the 
> property tree?) and thought that the route manager accessed through telnet 
> would be able to solve my problems, but as far as I could see the route 
> manager only allows for pre set waypoints, such as airports, i was hoping to 
> be able to input co-ordinates (latitude and longitude) and have the auto 
> pilot fly between these. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
well, actually the autopilot cannot be set to just fly from this airport
to that airport and just wait the aircraft to do everything (rolling
,taking off, going and landing), it is not that advanced. but you can
place your aircraft whether you want, changing the
latitude/longitude/altitude through telnet.


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