Artem Chernodub wrote:
> Hello to everybody!
> We are researches from Kiyv and are very interested in this question
> too. We want to create neural network based control of planes.
> We found, that FlightGear can be controlled via Matlab -- but it
> can display internal processes that goes inside of it (landing of the
> Shuttle, for example). How to get access to Flight model from FlightGear?
> Ideally, we want the following:
> Cycle 1:
> We get state variables of the aircraft that characterises it's
> position and motion: latitude/longitude/altitude, velocities, etc.,
> We set it's actuators (elevator, aileron, engine power to some
> position POS1;
> Cycle 2:
> We get STATE2;
> We send POS2;
Read FG_ROOT/docs/ Connect to FG with native-fdm and 
Like this:
machine - you PC with control programm

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