On Saturday 10 Oct 2009, Pete Morgan wrote:
> Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
> > On Saturday 10 October 2009 22:33:01 Curtis Olson wrote:
> >> Really, this is all in how the autopilot is tuned and
> >> configured.
> >>
> >> FlightGear doesn't model realistic control surface deflection
> >> rates so it's possible to command an instantaneous deflection
> >> of the control surfaces. Control surface deflection rate can
> >> be limited by inserting a low-pass filter between the output
> >> of the final PID-controller and the control surface. THis is
> >> done in the autopilot config file.
> I expected FlightGear to crete the realistic mdel.. and
> deflection rate..
> So your response cofirmas a few facts...
> ie if u stick in a new value to the FDM then it will react.. That
> sucks in my oioiion.. I how have to create my own craqo to make
> the model. that sucks to me..
> pete

You really need to chill a bit.  Just moaning about things isn't the 
best way to go about getting stuff fixed.

Anyway, in short, this 'problem' such as it is, is largely due to 
the rates at which the autopilots are run within FG.  In real life, 
autopilot controllers, and the sensors that feed them the data they 
need to work with, run at much higher frequencies than are possible 
within the FG framework.  Ideally, you want to be able to run the 
autopilots at several to many kHz but in FG, although you can 
specify very high rates in the autopilot config, you are 
effectively limited by the frame rate, so not only do they run much 
more slowly than is desirable but they also run at varying rates as 
the frame rate changes.

This isn't ideal, of course, but running an entire flight simulator 
on a single PC is always going lead to compromises.  Having said 
that though, there are a number ways of working around most of the 

There isn't really a problem with the autopilot code or the FDMs in 
flight gear, but that doesn't mean that individual FDMs and 
autopilots are always optimally configured.

As Jon said, JSBSim incorporates actuator simulation, and I know 
that YASim allows you to set control surface deflection rate 
limits.  These should really be set up in the aircraft FDM config 
and it is down to the developer to do this.  However, few of the 
people developing aircraft for FG could be described as 
professionals in this field so you shouldn't expect everything to 
be absolutely perfect.

So first of all, have a look at the FDM configs for the aircraft 
you're using and, depending on which FDM is being used, find out 
whether the actuators or rate limits have been set up correctly.

The next thing to do is to look at the autopilot config.

When the 'new' PID/PI autopilot was introduced, Roy set up a 
basic 'example' autopilot configuration to show how the new 
controllers could be used and this has formed the basis for most of 
the autopilots since then.

The basic autopilot that Roy set up used two-stage controller 
cascades, where the output from the first stage controller was fed 
into the second stage.  For example, in the true-heading-hold mode, 
the first stage controller would look at the true-heading-error-deg 
property and generate a desired roll setting to turn the aircraft 
and reduce the true-heading-error-deg to zero.  The second stage 
would then take the desired roll setting and generate an aileron 
deflection to achieve the required roll.  As the aircraft turns and  
true-heading-error-deg starts to approach zero, the controller will 
detect this and command a reduced degree of roll.  Similarly, the 
second stage controller will look at the current degree of roll and 
compare it with the required degree of roll and if the two are very 
different the second stage controller will command a large 
deflection (this is where the jerkiness come from).  Then, as the 
difference between the current roll and required roll reduces, the 
controller will command less deflection.

The jerkiness then, can occur when the first stage controller sees a 
large difference between its current state and the state required, 
and quite reasonably commands the maximum change it is allowed.  
For example, if you're flying level and then tell the autopilot 
that you want to fly in the opposite direction it will quickly 
decide that it needs to command maximum roll.  Now the second stage 
controller, which controls the ailerons to achieve the desired rate 
of roll, has to be quite aggressive in the way that it works if it 
is to tightly control roll, both because it has to operate over a 
much shorter time span than the first stage controller (to turn an 
aircraft through 180 degrees may take several minutes but to 
achieve 40 deg of roll may only take a few seconds) and also to 
prevent the aircraft from 'over-rolling' and then see-sawing as it 
then corrects itself, but this means that when it is told to change 
the current roll from zero to, 40 degrees say, it sees a very large 
error, just as the first stage controller has seen, and command its 
maxmum deflection.

One way then, to ameliorate this is to use a filter between the two 
stages so that the difference between the current roll and required 
roll is relatively slowly increased: the first stage controller may 
command a 40 deg roll but the filter can limit the rate of change 
to, say 10 deg/second with the result that the second stage 
controller doesn't see a sudden change from zero to 40 deg but 
instead, a gradual change at 10 deg/second.  (I know that Roy 
suggested that a filter be used on the output from the second stage 
controller, but  I think this is probably better done in the FDM 
using the actuator sub-system in JSBSim or the rate limiters in 

Another way that jerkiness can occur is when switching between 
different modes and the problem here is rather different.  In Roy's 
example autopilot, different pairs of controller cascades are used 
for different modes and when switching between modes this means 
that one pair of controllers are switched off and another pair are 
switched on.  It may seem a bit strange to use entirely different 
pairs of controllers for different modes but this is because the 
inputs to the different modes are likely to be over completely 
different ranges and the gains and limits etc. will need to be very 
different to reflect this.

The problem that arises from this is that the controllers, which 
rely upon a feedback loop, have no initial feedback when they are 
first engaged and because they will have different inputs, gains 
and limits etc. are likely to see an immediate error and initially 
command their maximum outputs.  As soon as the aircraft responds to 
these commands though, the controllers get their feedback and can 
then start to work more smoothly.

Regarding this aspect of the autopilot, I ended up using common 
final stage controllers i.e. a common aileron controller, that was 
then used by all the different first stage controllers, so that the 
aileron controller was always engaged and never switched off.  
However, this meant that the controller had to be very tightly 
tuned and controlled, which quite frankly took a lot of test-flying 
time and for pitch/altitude modes meant using a three-stage 
controller cascade.

Another avenue to explore is to dynamically change the controller 
settings while in flight.  It is possible to modify many of the 
controller settings, such as the gain etc. by the use of Nasal or 
by using other controllers and/or filters.  This too can be very 
effective, but needs a correspondingly longer amount of time and 
effort in development and testing to get right.

Perhaps I should apologise for going into this in so much depth but 
it seemed from your postings that you didn't really understand the 
problem; obviously, you won't be able to fix it until you do.

As it happens, the autopilot framework in FG is very good indeed: 
the range of controller functions and filter types allow nearly 
anything to be done, at least in theory, and are only limited in 
practice by the rates at which they can be run.

What you're trying to do sounds very interesting, but as I said, 
you'll not be able to do it without understanding what it is that 
you're working with.  Working on developing and tuning the FG 
autopilots can take an awful lot of time and can lead to an awful 
lot of frustration but they're not magical or mystical and 
impossible to understand, and it is very rewarding when you finally 
get them working.


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