On 02/08/2010 08:34 AM, Geoff McLane wrote:

> you seem to be yelling something. 

On 02/16/2010 11:47 AM, Geoff McLane wrote:

> It seems WHATEVER the reason is, IF it involves
> a SimGear AC_CHECK_LIB() then _REMOVE_ the
> AC_CHECK_LIB() from SG configure.ac ;=))
> There is no reason to check 'libraries' on a
> 'library' build, point blank! SG is a set of
> libraries, and need have _NO_ library checks
> to build them!

-- Using exclamation points does not make incorrect 
   statements more correct.  
-- Using all caps does not make incorrect statements
   more correct.  
-- Using underlined all caps seems to be going a bit 
-- Accusing other people of yelling is, ummm, 
   inconsistent to say the least.  Try setting a good 

We need to distinguish 
 *) what the actual dependencies of simgear are
 *) what the dependencies should be
 *) what dependencies are checked by ./configure

As previously explained more than once, the fact is, 
at the moment, several parts of simgear do depend on 
OpenThreads.  It is therefore entirely appropriate 
for ./configure to check for this, so that if needed, 
an informative error message can be given to the user.

Several people have suggested re-arranging simgear
to remove this dependency.  If somebody wants to
do that, great, please go ahead.  After the actual
dependency is removed, then it would be appropriate
to remove the dependency-check from ./configure.
Then and not sooner.

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