Vivian Meazza  wrote:
> It's now in cvs for you to test. Several of us have tried it and it does
> work. Warning: the download is on the large side, and when you try it you
> might find the hit on framerate unsustainable.
> You will need this patch for the FG source to make it work:
> Any feedback would be good.

I've had a quick play, and it does look very promising.

I think the reason his Cu clouds don't look as good as our current ones is
that they are .ac models containing multiple planes rather than
individual sprites.
So the rotation shader is probably working based on the center of the
set of planes
rather than the center of an individual sprite/plane. A simple way
around that would
be to have a single plane .ac file, and multiple instances within a
cloud using some
animation to set texture, size etc.

However, I would suggest that a better path forward would be to
enhance the XML cloud definition
format we already have to include the new cloud types Thorsten has created
(probably enhancing the definition in the process), and integrate the
fine definition
work into the Environment manager in some way.

No, I'm not volunteering yet... :)


PS: As Vivian has checked in the data part, we should just go ahead
and commit the
small environment patch as well. At the moment we've got an
inconsistency between
the FG source tree and FG data, which isn't ideal.

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