On Sat, 11 Dec 2010, Hal V. Engel wrote:

> With this in mind I have used the Stuart's rating system and coded the status
> line of the p51d-jsbsim-set.xml file with the following:
> <status>FDM: 5, Systems: 4, Model: 3, Cockpit: 3</status>


If we go down this route (I'm not convinced this need to be encoded in the 
models rather than stored separately for the web page) can we at least 
use XML properly? Please.

Maybe something in this direction?

  <FDM type="int">5</FDM>
  <systems type="int">4</systems>
  <model type="int">3</model>
  <cockpit type="int">3</cockpit>

When information is structured that should be reflected in the XML (and 
presumably in the property tree in this case).


Anders Gidenstam
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