Hi Betrand,

thanks for your patch. Only one comment on your patch though...

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 1:08 PM, Bertrand Coconnier <bcoco...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * I would rather make tied_properties a list of SGPropertyNode* rather
> than a list of strings (same as above : internal JSBSim stuff)
I don't really like the use of simple pointers here, as property
objects sometimes are being worked on/merged/deleted. I remember
debugging several issues where modules obtained direct pointers to
properties and then kept using these though the original object was
already deleted/merged/recreated in other parts of FG. Results in ugly
heap issues...
This may not be an issue here (right now), but if we don't want to use
the path name (strings) as a reference, we should probably rather use
a "SGSharedPtr<SGPropertyNode>" instead - i.e. the SGPropertyNode_ptr
typedef. This guarantees that the reference is still valid when trying
to untie the property later on.


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