I am having trouble getting the modified gearscissors.nas to run with 
the stand alone nasal.
after adding the three numbers in gedit and saving the file, I get

$ nasal gearscissors.nas > GearScissorInterpolation.xml
Runtime error: undefined symbol
   at gearscissors.nas, line 1

If I don't edit the file after copying just your template, I get

$ nasal gearscissors.nas > GearScissorInterpolation.xml
Parse error: parse error at line 5

which is what I would expect as I have not replaced the text with a number.

If I just add the first two numbers, I get a parse error at line 7 (as 
expected), but If I add the 3rd number or even just delete or comment 
out that line, I get

$ nasal gearscissors.nas > GearScissorInterpolation.xml
Runtime error: undefined symbol
   at gearscissors.nas, line 1

Here is the gearscissors.nas after adding in the correct numbers for the 
c172p nose strut:

var acos = func(x) { math.atan2(math.sqrt(math.abs(1-x*x)), x) }
var R2D = 180.0 / math.pi;

var scissor_dist = 0.240626;
var scissor = 0.194716;
var oleo = 0.1893439;

var theta0 = acos(scissor_dist/2/scissor) * R2D;
print( "<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' ?>\n" );
print( "<PropertyList>\n" );

for( var i = 0; i < 1.05; i += 0.05 ) {
   print( "<entry>\n" );
   var l = (1.0-i) * oleo/2;
   l += (scissor_dist-oleo)/2;
   print( "<ind>" ~ sprintf("%4.3f", i ) ~ "</ind>\n" );
   print( "<dep>" ~ sprintf("%4.3f", acos( l / scissor ) * R2D - theta0 
) ~ "</dep>\n" );
   print( "</entry>\n" );
print( "</PropertyList>\n" );

The stand-alone nasal compiled fine.  Any ideas what is wrong here?

On 02/12/2011 12:59 PM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
>> By the way.  The filtering that will remain in the c172p action-sim.nas
>> for the nav radio could be moved to navradio.cxx.  Here again, the
>> needle damping and the needle behavior when tuned to an out-of-range
>> frequency or when the gs is out of range is device dependent.  The
>> filtered values are used by Aircraft/Instruments-3d/vor/vor.xml and
>> vor2.xml.  I was afraid that modifying navradio.cxx to achieve realistic
>> needle behavior for this vor model might break other vor/gs head or hsi
>> models.
> We can now easily use the autopilot filters for that, just add a file with the
> content
> <PropertyList>
>    <filter>
>      <name>CDI0 lowpass</name>
>      <debug>false</debug>
>      <type>exponential</type>
>      <filter-time>2.0</filter-time>
>      <input>instrumentation/nav[0]/heading-needle-deflection-norm</input>
>      <output>instrumentation/nav[0]/filtered-cdiNAV0-deflection</output>
>    </filter>
>    <!--
> More filters here
>    -->
> </PropertyList>
> And add
> <autopilot>
>    <name>A very descriptive name for this file like Instrument-Filter</name>
>    <path>Aircraft/c172p/path/to/that/file</path>
> </autopilot>
> to c172p-set.xml under /sim/systems
> No need for coding here, too.
> Greetings, Torsten
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