> On 02/14/2011 11:58 AM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> >> On 02/12/2011 12:59 PM, Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> >>>> By the way.  The filtering that will remain in the c172p
> >>>> action-sim.nas for the nav radio could be moved to navradio.cxx.  Here
> >>>> again, the needle damping and the needle behavior when tuned to an
> >>>> out-of-range frequency or when the gs is out of range is device
> >>>> dependent.  The filtered values are used by
> >>>> Aircraft/Instruments-3d/vor/vor.xml and vor2.xml.  I was afraid that
> >>>> modifying navradio.cxx to achieve realistic needle behavior for this
> >>>> vor model might break other vor/gs head or hsi models.
> >>>
> >>> We can now easily use the autopilot filters for that, just add a file
> >>> with the content
> >>>
> >>> <PropertyList>
> >>>     <filter>
> >>>       <name>CDI0 lowpass</name>
> >>>       <debug>false</debug>
> >>>       <type>exponential</type>
> >>>       <filter-time>2.0</filter-time>
> >>>      
> >>> <input>instrumentation/nav[0]/heading-needle-deflection-norm</input>
> >>> <output>instrumentation/nav[0]/filtered-cdiNAV0-deflection</output>
> >>> </filter>
> >>>     <!--
> >>> More filters here
> >>>     -->
> >>> </PropertyList>
> >>>
> >>> And add
> >>> <autopilot>
> >>>     <name>A very descriptive name for this file like
> >>> Instrument-Filter</name>  <path>Aircraft/c172p/path/to/that/file</path>
> >>> </autopilot>
> >>>
> >>> to c172p-set.xml under /sim/systems
> >>>
> >>> No need for coding here, too.
> >>>
> >>> Greetings, Torsten
> >>
> >> I had not tried the kap140 in checking out the changes I submitted today
> >> for the c172p.  While implementing similar changes to the pa24-250, I
> >> noticed that neither the Century IIB not the Century III autopilots work
> >> with the above filter method.  So I flew the c172p again and sure
> >> enough, the kap140 is also broken by the above filter method.
> >> Apparently having two autopilots in the same AC "ist verboten".
> >> Torsten, have you tried two autopilots on an AC in the past?
> >
> > No, it's not "verboten" at all. I use four(!) autopilot files in the
> > SenecaII (I prefer to call them property-rules because they are much more
> > than just autopilot components).
> >
> > One pitfall is that in preferences.xml there is the generic-autopilot-
> > helper.xml included at /sim/systems/autopilot[1]. If you add a second
> > autopilot (property-rule), this one gets ignored/overwritten. If you rely
> > on the properties handled there (and I assume the 172p does), you need to
> > re-add it manually. Add
> >   <autopilot>
> >      <name>autopilot helpers</name>
> >      <path>Aircraft/Generic/generic-autopilot-helper.xml</path>
> >     </autopilot>
> > together with your new rule and it should work.
> >
> > Torsten
> Thanks Torsten,
> I should have looked at the SenecaII set and base files.  The answer to
> my question ... have you tried ... was there.  I still would not have
> thought of the generic helper.
> Thanks again,
> Dave P.
Credit goes to James Turner, who figured that out after we had moved the 
autopilot helpers to the xml file. Back than, we decided to call this a 
"feature" and a way to encourage people to move away from the generic "helper" 
Didn't turn out so well ;-)


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