
> * Heiko Schulz" <aeitsch...@yahoo.de>:
> > I will write some Emails to some copyright-holders
> this weekend
> > like Lufthansa, ADAC,... I'm curious to see how they
> react, but
> > I also fear a bit the answers and consequences.
> Severe tactical error a.k.a. shooting yourself in the
> foot.
> What if they (or some of them) are well aware of our use,
> but they just
> decided not to care, pretending not to know "officially",
> because
> it's a small, harmless, not-for-profit sim. But once you
> officially
> asked, they can no longer pretend. And the answer will be
> *no* in
> most cases. Then the silent gentlemen agreement is voided.
> By us!
> And now they *have* to take measures to protect their
> brand.
> They might think: "You idiots! Why did you have to ask?!"
> It's like asking a policeman if you may cross the street at
> red
> traffic light. He might have ignored you doing it. But he
> sure
> can't say "go ahead", nor can he then tolerate you ignoring
> his
> order.
> m.

I thought about that, but hoped no one will raise this up....
The question is still: how to proceed?

One of my liveries uses like Jack a copyrighted logo (taken from an own phto) 
and may not be used without permission. 

On the other side: there are many hundreds liveries with this Logo out there 

Feeling a bit helpless....

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