On 03.03.2011 09:47, thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi wrote:
> The total time to load a configuration is really proportional to
> (number of objects) x (texture size of a single object)
So maybe the textures aren't really shared. What's worse - and slightly 
related: I ran a memory analysis some weeks ago, to identify "true" 
memory leaks (that is memory leaks triggered at source code locations 
which over time increase indefinitely). I found that the MP aircraft and 
clouds are a major cause for FG memory leaks. The more MP aircraft were 
loaded and unloaded (obviously not properly unloaded though), and the 
more clouds were displayed (and also not properly unloaded), the higher 
the number of leaking memory elements gets (and the higher FG's memory 
consumption gets). Another huge memory leak is caused by properties. The 
leaking properties may be a result of the other leaks though (they might 
still be referenced by leaked clouds or MP aircraft models), though 
there could also be a separate issue.
I only checked the number of memory elements - so not sure which leaks 
will actually hurt memory consumption the most. But at least it was 
pretty obvious that we have some bad issues in these areas.

I'm currently busy with other stuff. But checking on what's going wrong 
with loading/unloading clouds and MP models may be worth a closer look.


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