> Maybe you already did this, but this needs a 'average of 3' (or 5)
> tests, because I would be very surprised if the input file format
> changes the final frame-rate after loading - it's all uncompressed to
> the same format in GPU memory, as far as I know.

Yes, I checked it (I couldn't believe it...).

Just *maybe* the conversion by gimp screwed the pnd file and altered the
texture somehow, so that all derived from the png is then problematic (?).
But the effect as far as my procedure is described is real.

> The PNG loading time also seems suspicious - decompressing a PNG is
> certainly more work than RGB or DDS, but decompressing a 1MB PNG
> shouldn't take even one second on a computer of the past few years.

Yes - now multiply this by 2500 since it's done for every cloud being
loaded, and you get a large number. Of course the system *should* realize
that it has the texture loaded already and doesn't need to load it any
more, but evidence suggest that it actually decompresses 2500 times.


* Thorsten

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