On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Gene Buckle <ge...@deltasoft.com> wrote:

> What could you possibly be sending via telnet that would require
> "performance"?  Seriously, the _only_ time you should be sending data TO
> the simulator is if a control state changed.  I seriously doubt it's
> physically possible for you to fiddle with enough switches & knobs
> simultaneously to overload the ability of the telnet interface to process
> the events.  If you're trying to use the telnet interface for
> pitch/roll/yaw/throttle inputs, then yeah, that would be a Bad Idea(tm) -
> FG has good built-in joystick handling and you shouldn't try to handle
> that externally unless there is some kind of compelling reason to do so.

In the default configuration, the telnet module services incoming
connections at 5hz.  So in most cases the issue is probably more of latency
than bandwidth.  But if you spin a knob, you could hit bandwidth issues too.
 Latency is probably the biggest problem.  Even if everything is running at
30 hz, requiring 1 frame to process the input, and then a 2nd frame to send
the data back out to a physical display (like a physical radio stack with
real 7-segment displays) will end up feeling a bit laggy and not quite as
crisp as you'd like.

Curtis Olson:
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