On Thursday 04 August 2011 11:36:48 Torsten Dreyer wrote:
> > I wouldn't touch the Vostock right now, it might be taken as an afront
> > by the author
> (*Shrugs*)
> Looking at disk size, this list might help making decision.
> (from du -ms *|sort -n)
> 47      an2
> 47      F-8E-Crusader
> 48      A340-600
> 50      f16
> 51      Short-Stirling
> 58      D510
> 65      CRJ700-family
> 67      A320-family
> 72      MiG-15
> 79      767-300
> 101     p51d
> 133     IAR80
> 166     Vostok-1
> Weigh in the number of commits:
> (from git log --oneline | wc -l)
>    2 767-300
>    2 CRJ700-family
>    3 A340-600
>    3 Vostok-1
>    4 Short-Stirling
>   10 D510
>   12 IAR80
>   13 A320-family
>   15 an2
>   44 MiG-15
>   97 F-8E-Crusader
> 179 p51d
> 269 f16
> Torsten
The IAR80 has a separate repo, if that helps :). 

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