> Even though your previous testing showed no perf difference between the
> default 3d clouds and the models, I am slightly disappointed there isn't
> some
> intrinsic perf benefit to the default 3d versions.

It's not been a fair comparison as such. Let me try building clouds from
the same texture sheet (i.e. same texture resolution, same number of
cloudlets) - that's the relevant measure. Also, don't forget the wind
drift benefit - that's huge...

> We should change the maximum to whatever you feel is sensible
> (40km?), and leave the default as it is (20km).

I think my current maximum is 45 km, and for much more one needs a
different tile structure anyway, so if we could get 45 km that'd be nice.

> However, I'm not sure we want to be over-riding the user's explicit
> preferences here.

I can turn it around and use the value specified here for the cloud
visible range of the old system - if that's not too confusing.

> Perhaps we should look at integrating your routine to match a given
> fps value by adjusting cloud visibility range?

Do we all agree that it makes sense to use cloud visibility range here,
rather than random objects or such like?

> Yes, that's something I need to do. I think you've already implemented
> this in
> your codes. Can you point me at the best example shader/Effect?

It's actually quite simple. You have:

  // Do the matrix multiplication by [ u r w pos]. Assume no
  // scaling in the homogeneous component of pos.
  gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
  gl_Position.xyz = gl_Vertex.x * u;
  gl_Position.xyz += gl_Vertex.y * r * wScale;
  gl_Position.xyz += gl_Vertex.z * w  * hScale;
  gl_Position.xyz += gl_Color.xyz;

and I add just after that block

  gl_Position.z = gl_Position.z * zScale;

(look into clouds-layered.vert where a value of 0.4 is hard-coded there).

> Great. Let me know what else you need and I'll put it near the top of my
> FG todo list.

Wow :-) Thanks a lot! I think wrapping off and z-scaling are what limits
my experiments most - otherwise I simply need time to catch up with
texturing, parameter tuning, performance tests, but I'll keep you posted.

* Thorsten

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