On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Thorsten wrote:
>> I think the problem is that you are expecting the cloud height to
>> indicate the location
>> of sprite centers, wherease the code is expecting it to be the height
>> of the actual
>> cloud.
>> The code actually _subtracts_ the minimum texture height from the cloud
>> height to determine where to place sprite centers.
>> So, the height should always be greater than the minimum texture height.
> Oops... In hindsight, a rather obvious explanation of what I'm seeing - a
> negative number created in the subtraction would of course invert the
> shading pattern seen later. Rather embarrassing...
> Thanks, I'll correct my code.

Having thought about this a bit more, I'm wondering whether we should
in fact change the code so that min-cloud-height-m etc. are use to determine
sprite centre locations rather than the cloud edges.

At present the code uses the min-cloud-height and max-cloud-height to
determine the actual cloud sprite distribution as follows:

float width = min_width + sg_random() * (max_width - min_width) -
float height = min_height + sg_random() * (max_height - min_height) -

I can see some problems with the current approach:
1) If there is a lot of variability between the
min-sprite-[height|width] and max-sprite-[height|width]
the cloud will go outside its bounds. So we aren't completely limiting
the cloud width/height.
2) I think the z scaling parameter needs to be included in the height
calculation. Possibly as a multiplier
in on the "- min_sprite_height" term?

What's you're view? Conceptually, having the min/max cloud
width/height constrain the cloud itself seems
sensible, but I wonder whether in practice is it as useful.


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