>> Even though your previous testing showed no perf difference between the
>> default 3d clouds and the models, I am slightly disappointed there isn't
>> some
>> intrinsic perf benefit to the default 3d versions.
> It's not been a fair comparison as such. Let me try building clouds from
> the same texture sheet (i.e. same texture resolution, same number of
> cloudlets) - that's the relevant measure. Also, don't forget the wind
> drift benefit - that's huge...

And some benchmark tests with my Altocumulus texture sheet: With the same
number of cloudlets and precisely the same texture sheet, Stuart's
hard-coded clouds get about 20% more framerate out of my box. Even more
impressive, the performance doesn't really degrade until I increase the
number of cloudlets by a factor 10 (where I built a cloud from 2 textures
previously, I can now use 20) - only when I use 100 sprites per cloud do I
see a rather significant performance degradation (black magic??) So we get
nicer clouds with better performance - I like that :-)

(Don't get overexcited about a factor 10 more cloudlets though - since we
distribute them into a volume in the end, the linear resolution of
structures only grows with the cubic root of the cloudlets, so the actual
improvement factor is more like 2.1... )

* Thorsten

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