On 11-08-03 08:22 PM, Csaba Halász wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:22 AM, marthter<marth...@yahoo.ca>  wrote:
>> I also have separately installed FlightGear via the package manager, so I
>> tried pointing FG_AIRCRAFT at what appears to be the Aircraft directory,
>> Also when I guessed at what to put for the terrasync exe spot, which I found
>> in ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin/terrasync, the Next button is still greyed
>> out.
> No idea about fgrun, but these two settings are optional. FG knows to
> look for the default aircraft in FG_ROOT/Aircraft, you only need to
> set this if you have an additional custom location. Terrasync is not
> required.
Okay thanks for the clarification.

okay, well the pre-filled defaults in that run_fgrun Wizard, as (I 
assume) set up by the download_and_compile script are:

1. Executable: 

...which exists and is executable:

$ ll /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgfs/bin/fgfs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 mmuc mmuc 135333892 2011-08-03 17:38 

2. FG_ROOT:  /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/fgdata

...which exists but has not much in it:

$ ll /home/mmuc/flight.simulator/install/fgrun/bin/../../fgfs/fgdata
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 3 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 10:43 ./
drwxr-xr-x 5 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 10:43 ../
drwxr-xr-x 8 mmuc mmuc 4096 2011-07-28 15:27 .git/

3. FG_AIRCRAFT: [blank]


...which doesn't exist as shown in the FG_ROOT directory listing above

5. Terrasync exe: [blank]

6. Airports Cache: /home/mmuc/.fltk/flightgear.org/fgrun//airports.txt

...which does not exist but I'm guessing it will be created after I 
eventually get to run this successfully.

So although I'm a newbie and not knowing what to expect in each folder, 
I would nonetheless assume that #2 and #4 are the problem causing 
run_fgrun's Next button to be greyed out.  Can anyone comment/agree?

I've retried "sh download_and_compile.sh DATA"... should this fix the 
above missing folder contents or is there something else I should be 
doing?  Anyway I'm currently getting an error from gitorious.org within 
the "sh download_and_compile.sh DATA" output (although I don't think 
this was a problem when I ran the script yesterday and days before):

$ sh download_and_compile.sh DATA
*                                    *
* Warning, the compilation process   *
* is going to use 9 or more Gbytes   *
* of space and at least a couple of  *
* hours to download and build FG.    *
*                                    *
* Please, be patient ......          *
*                                    *
Asking your password to perform an apt-get update
Ign http://extras.ubuntu.com natty InRelease
Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/universe Translation-en_CA
Ign http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com natty-updates/universe Translation-en
Reading package lists... Done
Asking your password to perform an apt-get install ...
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
automake is already the newest version.
build-essential is already the newest version.
libqt4-dev is already the newest version.
subversion is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
**************** FGFS ******************
gitorious.org[0:]: errno=No route to host
gitorious.org[0: 2a02:c0:1014::1]: errno=Network is unreachable
fatal: unable to connect a socket (Network is unreachable)

>> I also tried this without using run_fgrun, but just using fgrun:
>> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgrun/bin
>> $ ./fgrun
>> ./fgrun: error while loading shared libraries: libosgParticle.so.66: cannot
>> open shared object file: No such file or directory
>> $
>> I also tried without using
>> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin
>> $ ./fgfs
>> ./fgfs: error while loading shared libraries: libosgFX.so.66: cannot open
>> shared object file: No such file or directory
> These are normal, the wrapper scripts contain code to set
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that the system can locate the required
> dependencies. You can of course do that manually too. Note that you'll
> have to supply fgfs with the path to the data directory using the
> --fg-root option. Verify that the script downloaded the data for you.
> Should be easy to notice, it is a>3GB download :)  Looks similar to
> what you have found in the installed package (but the two versions are
> not compatible).
okay well the total folder structure that download_and_compile created 
is almost 9 GB:

$ du -ms .
8906    .

...but as noted above, there is next to nothing in the 
~/flight.simulator/install/fgfs/fgdata directory.

Thanks again and I will appreciate a little more feedback if anyone can 
see what I'm missing.


>   I suspect your GIT error message might indicate
> failed data download.
> For the already filled out paths in the fgrun page, verify that those
> actually exist and are readable.

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