
the script is made to duild both fgrun and fgfs if you give no
arguments, unfortunatelly, it is quite easy that something can go
wrong (Compilation,data fetching etc...). when this happens, you can
end up with an inconsistent fgdata folder that makes the git problems.
Further more if data fetching stops before finishing, the script is
set to stop, so you don't get fgfs nor fgrun.
You have to try again, best to wipe out fgdata folder under
installation/fgfs prior to relaunch the script.

The problem with the blanck parameters in fgrun are due to the fist
launch of it, I don't know yet how to make it work without user

If you have problems with fgrun, just launch fgfs only first (sh
run_fgfs.sh) and see if it works or not.


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